New Mothers: Cleaning Services in San Diego can help!
Bringing a new baby home is a wonderful experience. However, it can also be a stressful experience, especially if you are bringing home your first child. There are a lot of new responsibilities and demands on your time in addition to the previous responsibilities and demands on your time which you had before you had a child. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help make the first few days with your new baby much smoother and happier.

Hire House Cleaning Services
Even if you have never considered a house cleaning service or a maid service, you may soon find after bringing home a new baby, that you really need a helping hand when it comes to your day to day house cleaning tasks. In addition to the fact that you will be super busy with your new baby, you will also be recovering from child birth. If you have had a cesarean section birth, then there will be very strict rules regarding your physical activity levels for the first several weeks after your baby is born. The lifting, stretching and general energy required for most house cleaning tasks will be off limits to you. San Diego house cleaning services can help keep your home fresh and tidy even while you are recovery. If you will be having visitors over to meet your newest family member then you will definitely want your house in its best shape.
Sleep When Baby Sleeps
This is great old advice that many new moms simply will not follow. A new baby will demand so much time and attention that most of your other responsibilities will get pushed to the back burner for the first several days after brining your baby home from the hospital. You will feel tempted to jump up the moment your baby falls asleep and try to get as much accomplished as possible. This is not always a good idea, because your baby may not be on the same sleep schedule as you are. Keep in mind that while your baby is snoozing away, he probably will not be sleeping much that night when you want to sleep.
Rushing around trying to catch up on your housekeeping while baby sleeps could result in you becoming quite exhausted later on. A better option is to let house cleaning services in San Diego take care of the house cleaning while you catch a nap. This goes for other types of responsibilities as well, such as errands or working. Get your baby accustomed to spending time in a swing or bouncing seat. Bring the baby into the room you will be working in while he is awake. Let him watch you work for a while, and then when baby is tired, you both take a break for a bottle, some nursing and a nap. This way if your little one is up at night, you will have the energy to meet his needs.
Don’t Diet Too Soon
If you are like most new mothers you gained some weight during your pregnancy. That is a normal part of pregnancy, but once your baby is born you will probably be anxious to get back to your pre-pregnant weight. This is a good goal, but you should be careful not to start dieting too soon. During the first few weeks after giving birth your body is still in need of extra calories as it is healing and recovering from a huge trauma. Keep this in mind before you start any new diet plan.
If you are nursing then your body will continue to need an additional five hundred calories a day for lactation. A sudden new diet could affect your milk supply. The best plan is to continue to give your body the calories it needs, but to make sure that the calories you consume are dense in nutrients. Eating empty calories will result in your feeling hungry more often and possible overeating. Foods containing a lot of sugar and fat are often empty calories which will contribute to weight gain.
Most women will lose several pounds the first few weeks after birth with very little effort because a lot of the weight you gained during pregnancy was water weight and it will come off very quickly after birth.
Stay Hydrated
During the birthing process you lost a lot of fluid and blood. Your body will need constant hydration in order to build back what it has lost. If you wait until you feel thirsty to start drinking then you have waited too late. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration. You will want to avoid this as much as possible. In order to stay properly hydrated after birth you should drink before you get thirsty. Keep a constant flow of water going.
It may help to set aside an entire gallon of water each morning just for yourself and make it your goal throughout the day to drink the gallon of water. If you are nursing then hydration is even more important. In order to lactate properly your body must have an abundance of water. Keep this in mind when making beverage choices throughout the day.
Exercise Slowly
When you first get home from the hospital exercising may be the last thing on your mind, but after a week or so you will start feeling pretty normal again and you will want to resume your normal activities. However, you should check with your doctor before starting any kind of exercise program after birth. If you have had a C-section your body will need several weeks to recover and heal from the incision.
They where quick with sending a crew the very next day and we are very satisfied with their work. Defiantly using them again.
Roy B. – House Cleaning San Jose Customer
I have a small apartment so it doesn’t need to be cleaned all that often but when it does, I’m calling Heromaid!
Anna V. – House Cleaning San Jose Customer
Very professional and thorough when it comes to cleaning and respecting your house and belongings.
Nima M. – House Cleaning San Diego Customer
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