
Clear Benefits of Deep Cleaning

Giving your home a thorough cleaning, does remove the germs and dust from your home, but not completely. During a regular cleaning session, the only clean parts are the ones that are visible. For this reason, you might want to consider giving your home a deep cleaning experience.

What Does a Deep Cleaning Involve?

A deep cleaning is exactly what it sounds like. Every inch of your home is cleaned, from top to bottom, and from wall to wall. The best times to deep clean your home is:

  • At the end of summer
  • After social events
  • Prior to moving into a new place
  • After moving out of a rental or home

Deep cleanings are performed in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, den, and bathrooms. The attics and basements are not off limits, if they contain sleeping and living quarters. During a deep cleaning:

  • Walls are sprayed and wiped down, to remove germs, fingerprints, and residue.
  • The floors are swept and mop, and the carpeted areas are vacuumed and steam cleaned if requested.
  • Cabinets are cleared and wiped down inside and out.
  • Windows and window sills are cleaned.
  • All baseboards throughout the home are wiped.
  • Al furniture and upholstery is removed for vacuuming, and all table tops and wood surfaced are wiped down.
  • Air vents are dusted.
  • Lamp shades, knick knacks, ceiling fans, and switch wall plates are wiped down.
  • Doors and door frames, picture frames, are wiped for dust removal.
  • Microwaves, stoves, refrigerators, and dishwashers are cleaned inside and out
  • Bath tubs, showering areas, sinks and toilet seats are sanitized, with extra attention given to removing tile grout.

This is not a complete listing of all the areas in your home that receives a professional deep cleaning experience. Hard to reach areas like crawl spaces, and small hallways are dusted, and vacuumed. Cobwebs are removed from the ceilings, mattresses are wiped down and flipped, trash cans are emptied, and hard surface floored are cleaned to perfection.

Your home should be deep cleaned at least once every 6 months. After your home has been deep cleaned, it becomes more manageable to maintain.

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