
Getting your kitchen in shape is not easy, if you have everything out of order. If you cook a lot, shop a lot, and have family members to cook for, you need to organize your kitchen pantry. Buying canned foods, staples, and boxed products is great, but these items need to put in order of use, or in order of convenience.

You know better than anyone else, which items needs to be to the front of the pantry, and which items you need to place at the very back. If you have a large calendar that list your appointments or work schedule, you can arrange your pantry in this order. For example:

  • Put quick to fix meals to the front of the pantry. This will save you time, looking for something quick and simple in prepare, if you are in a hurry.
  • Place large boxes of cereal and packaged boxes of foods on the top shelf
  • Use the next shelf, to store your snacks, cooking and baking supplies.
  • Store pasta and canned goods on the next shelf.
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